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eTownz Standard Project Plan

Step 1: Phone introduction and interviews 
  • eTownz will contact town members and briefly get their opinions on the local community, it’s history and present state 
  • eTownz to arrange community tour with key town members
Step 2: Data collection
  • Town to provide a list of local clubs/groups 
  • eTownz to accumulate community records: assets, stakeholder clubs, businesses, public services and (past & current) projects and goals 
  • Town to review the record logs and give feedback 
  • Town to provide clarification on which Electoral Districts are in the community area 
  • Town to provide eTownz with a selection of suitable photos of the community we can use in our design material and other aspects
  • Town to provide town tagline
Step 3: Communication tools
  • eTownz to introduce the eTownz Firebase system to key stakeholders (eTownz to provide training)
  • Town to review the record logs and give feedback
  • Town to form a social media page to communicate activities
  • Create a local email newsletter to regularly update locals on development issues
Step 4: First official public meeting 
  • Town to host public meeting with eTownz
  • eTownz will seek to engage with community members to help understand the community and how the company can be of help
  •  eTownz will help energise and help focus community member’s minds to community development by dividing the groups into 4 main groups related to our 4 themes and encourage them to discuss themes and project ideas that could potentially be relevant to their town 
Step 5: Virtual meeting with key members
  • eTownz & town key members to discuss the public meeting outcome
  • eTownz to provide first draft of surveys for review and feedback 
  • Finalise surveys and arrange first workshop 
  • Undertake door to door promotion of workshops/surveys
Step 6: Survey Distribution
  • eTownz to distribute community survey, whilst promoting team formation 
  • eTownz to distribute residents survey whilst promoting team formation 
  • Town to encourage members to join teams
Step 7: Action Team T1 Virtual Workshop 
  • Towns to develop Smart Town Teams 
  • eTownz to explain the role of local teams, explain how they can contribute
  • Town to undertake a blitz program with a series of quick-fire activities designed by eTownz to help the community to get organized
  • eTownz to train team members how to use eTownz dashboard 
Step 8: Launch Community plan  
  • Curate a discussion on key topics and record the feedback from previous stages of the project 
  • Prepare a draft community development plan.
  • Present a draft version of the plan using data provided + survey responses to the core team.
  • Amend any issues or mistakes and create the final report
  • Promote the final public meetin
Step 9: Final Public Meeting – Launch
  • eTownz will launch and showcase the finalised community plan to the entire community with the support of stakeholders within the community
  • Town to provide local signatures for the plan
  • Curate a discussion on the next steps
  • eTownz will also make ourselves available for any follow up meetings with interested parties 


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